If you can't convince them, confuse them

Thursday, July 21, 2005


I miss my babies!! My mom sent me pictures last night of the kids. They had gone horse back riding last nighta nd seemed to have a blast. Anthony was initially apprehensive and afraid he'd get thrown off. Hmmm no wonder he was afraid since I got thrown off of the horse, too! Oh speaking of getting thrown off... Man my shoulder still really really hurts. I think I hurt my rotary cuff or whatever it's called. I can't lift my arm above my shoulder. It hurts me pretty badly.

Right now 'm giving the kids a bath. They are playing and I'm sitting on the bed with the laptop and watching tv. I can't believe there ws more crap in London. People are sick. I hate to say it but I feel "safe" since we're in the middle of no where North Carolina.

It's going to be hot outside this week. It's supposed to be near 100 with well over 105 heat index. Whewwweeeeee..... It's getting hot in here.... etc etc etc

Monday, July 18, 2005

When did THAT happen???

Oh no. It's happening!!!

Megan wanted me to open her a pack of crackers. So I did. She tried to bite it open but said her tooth hurt. Huh? So I look and it's kind of crooked. What? Crooked??? IT IS LOOSE! Her two bottom adult teeth have already broken through. They are behind the baby teeth. I'm stressing now! I can't handle the stress. She's getting bigger. Literally losing her little girlness. Wahhhhhh.... She has the cutest tiny teeth, too. Now? What will her beautiful gorgeous smiles look like. TOOFLESS. LOL That's what!

So I wonder how we put pictures in these posts? I should try one huh? http://goooz.smugmug.com/photos/28842300-L.jpg Well, that didn't work. Hmmmm I don't know how to make it work LOL I want to show you all how Nathans hair looks. I cut it this morning with Thomas's hair cutter. It's pretty short. I love it. He's so darn tan. And so darn CUTE!

It's another hot day. Oh and if anyone else knows how to put in codes for this stupid thing LOL tell me how to do it.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

hot hot hot!

So this is our first full summer in North Carolina. It's not as bad as the locals made it seem. It's not as good as I had hoped either LOL You really can only stand about 5-10 minutes outside and then you run to the air conditioning. Air conditioning in our house is set to 73 I believe? It's FREEZING! LOL Who would have thought?!? Sometimes I need to step outside to just warm up. Todays heat index is about 105 the weather people are saying. Yee haa. That just means I'm going to be drinking lots of water again. I hate drinking water. It makes me feel pregnant and the urger to pee every 5 minutes is annoying LOL

Charlie is out getting rotors for my car. We're trying to prepare it for the drive to Pennsylvania next weekend. Oh I love having air conditioning in my van now. So much that I roll the windows down LOL I don't even LIKE air conditioning in the car but my kids do. My car, suprisingly enough, is still clean from last weekend. I've been the enforcer all week. PICK THAT FRENCHFRY UP!!!! etc etc.

We were supposed to go to church today. I don't think we're going to go because we have so much work that needs to be done around here. I have to get a move on the laundry so that I have a big variety of clothes to pick from when I pack for us. I think we'll be gone from next Friday until next Sunday. That's a vacation all in itself huh? It'll suck though because it will be freezing in Pennsylvania compared to what I'm used to here.

OH the new score at collapse? 4,880,000 BY ME! I'm the champ woo hoo! If you guys are playing this.. leave me a comment. Tell me your high score. I can tell you the trick is to try and fill the board as high as you can and then eliminate the colors one by one so that you have one huge group of a color. (ie. red) when you click on that big red group you get a huge bonus, sometimes 10,000 sometimes 400,000! It's great LOL

Well, I suppose I should go outside and do some work before it gets way too hot!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


It's 9:24am and it's really quiet here. I thought a minute ago I heard the kids waking up but I'm not sure now. I suppose I could go check but if they are still sleeping I'd hate to be the cause of them to wake. How pathetic is that? So it's been almost a month since Brooke and Anthony have been at my moms. It's so darn calm around here I can hardly stand it. I'm sure it will only take 10 minutes with all 4 together and I'll be ready to leave ALL of them at my moms. Megan and Nathan have been getting along pretty good actually. It's been a cool summer for them since they are learning how to swim and ride bikes. They can both ride with out training wheels for the most part. They just have problems starting off. slowly but surely my babies are growing up.

So there is this new addiction I have.

Collapse! Have you guys ever played this game? I swear Cecil and Thomas and I are totally addicted to it. Thomas has over 3 million points!!! I'm in second and Cecil's losing. Which is ok by me! LOL It's to the point when we are at McDonalds if we see 4 white cars in a line ... Charlie says 'hey baby you could "Click" on all 4 of those and make them go away" ...lol yeah ok. Let me get right on that! Anyhow, you can download a trial version of it http://www.gamehouse.com

We had a nice 4th of July. We just spent it at Rob and Cecil's. The boys went on a Jeep trip to south of the border and bought some fire works. Hell, our display was better than our towns LOL Now we know not to waste our time next year attempting to go anywhere. We'll just buy our own! LOL We had a nice cook out. Oh yeah I know what I want to tell you...

You can NOT live in North Carolina and have a car with broken air conditioning! Good God is it hot! I haven't had air conditioning since um.... well, for a while! I should be able to pick my van up today at the car dealer. They replaced my condenser which was bad and both motors on my doors,. $1899!!! *Cha ching* that's insane! Thank God for warranties! We spent about 3 or 4 hours cleaning my van the other day. Holy shit. How does that stuff get in my van? I think we had every towel in our house out in our van. I had more McDonalds in my van than McDonalds has on their stock shelves. And even at it's best my poor van still doesn't look "great". Children are tools put here by God to remind you to never buy a new car. Why bother? Hell, I don't want to even buy a new house ever again. It's only 1 year old and I'm sure it looks like it's 5 or 10 years old. (By the way it's 9:31am now and no one is downstairs. I'm glad I didn't go peek)

Oh Brooke is doing this awesome reading tutoring with my mom. The lady has actually written some books. You can see more about her at http://readwithtrust.com I believe is the website. Brooke's doing really well. I'm sure her special resource teacher is going to be THRILLED! She's learning to blend her sounds and make her words like a pro! I still can't get Megan to recognize the word "the". It's going to be a long school year.

I'm now on hold with the warranty place for my car.