When did THAT happen???
Oh no. It's happening!!!
Megan wanted me to open her a pack of crackers. So I did. She tried to bite it open but said her tooth hurt. Huh? So I look and it's kind of crooked. What? Crooked??? IT IS LOOSE! Her two bottom adult teeth have already broken through. They are behind the baby teeth. I'm stressing now! I can't handle the stress. She's getting bigger. Literally losing her little girlness. Wahhhhhh.... She has the cutest tiny teeth, too. Now? What will her beautiful gorgeous smiles look like. TOOFLESS. LOL That's what!
So I wonder how we put pictures in these posts? I should try one huh?http://goooz.smugmug.com/photos/28842300-L.jpg Well, that didn't work. Hmmmm I don't know how to make it work LOL I want to show you all how Nathans hair looks. I cut it this morning with Thomas's hair cutter. It's pretty short. I love it. He's so darn tan. And so darn CUTE!
It's another hot day. Oh and if anyone else knows how to put in codes for this stupid thing LOL tell me how to do it.
Megan wanted me to open her a pack of crackers. So I did. She tried to bite it open but said her tooth hurt. Huh? So I look and it's kind of crooked. What? Crooked??? IT IS LOOSE! Her two bottom adult teeth have already broken through. They are behind the baby teeth. I'm stressing now! I can't handle the stress. She's getting bigger. Literally losing her little girlness. Wahhhhhh.... She has the cutest tiny teeth, too. Now? What will her beautiful gorgeous smiles look like. TOOFLESS. LOL That's what!
So I wonder how we put pictures in these posts? I should try one huh?
It's another hot day. Oh and if anyone else knows how to put in codes for this stupid thing LOL tell me how to do it.
awwwww... ((hugs)) mommy!
try this as your code... i don't use blogger, but its the html code for inserting a pic:
<*img src="http://goooz.smugmug.com/photos/28842300-L.jpg">
just take the star out...
Anonymous, At
July 18, 2005 6:00 PM
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