Whose Line is it anyway?
Whose line is it anyway HAS to be the funniest show on tv. Charlie and I TiVo it and watch it at night after the kids go to bed. Collin and Ryan crack me up! I love Wayne Brady, too. The funniest episode is when Richard Simmons is on there and he goes "jet skiing". I know the video is on line.. I'll have to look it up and post the link. Seriously almost makes me cry. It's funny but what's more funny is watching the comedians lose the ability to keep a straight face.
So tomorrow Brittany and Charlie come home. I'm nervous. I'm glad that we brought Anthony and Brooke home first and let them readjust. Now, I just have to get Brittany to readjust. She'll have almost 2 weeks to get ready and get normal. Things are so screwed up for her. I feel bad for her. When we saw her when in PA she was telling us how her mom fights with her boyfriend and her mom called 911 and the police came etc etc. What kind of life is that? I realize it's her mom but why not just leave her HERE if that's the type of situation she's in? Anyhow.. I know she's better off here. It gets rough but... This too shall pass...
So I didn't write about it the other day....
Clay Aiken sang Bridge Over Troubled Water the other night. That was just the highlight of my summer. It gave me goosebumps. I love his version of it. I almost hate to hear the original version now. It was sooooo good! And I felt like I was at "American Idol". Ya know.. it's almost that time! It's almost time for the new shows to start. Oh my. I'm SUCH a tv junkie. What will I do now with out Boston Rob? Ahhh! I know that I'm alone in that crush. That's ok I guess. But it doesn't change the fact that he's hot. I think my other new crush.. well not KNEW.. but.. I think it's Eminem. He just gives off this bad boy sexiness vibe. Really. The truth is-- Neither of them matter. September 3rd I'll be at the Tim McGraw concert. I can't believe it's here already! I've had tickets since February! THAT will be the highlight of my WORLD! LOL I used to like NKOTB. I saw them in concert July 28, 1990 in Bristol CT. joey McIntyre! Ahhhh.. That's who I wanted. I was going to marry him. I still get all smiley when I see him. I'm not alone. I know other fans do too! LOL
Here are two pictures I took today of Nathan. I really like them.

Well anyhow it's 10:30 and I want to watch the rest of this show.....
Good night :)
So tomorrow Brittany and Charlie come home. I'm nervous. I'm glad that we brought Anthony and Brooke home first and let them readjust. Now, I just have to get Brittany to readjust. She'll have almost 2 weeks to get ready and get normal. Things are so screwed up for her. I feel bad for her. When we saw her when in PA she was telling us how her mom fights with her boyfriend and her mom called 911 and the police came etc etc. What kind of life is that? I realize it's her mom but why not just leave her HERE if that's the type of situation she's in? Anyhow.. I know she's better off here. It gets rough but... This too shall pass...
So I didn't write about it the other day....
Clay Aiken sang Bridge Over Troubled Water the other night. That was just the highlight of my summer. It gave me goosebumps. I love his version of it. I almost hate to hear the original version now. It was sooooo good! And I felt like I was at "American Idol". Ya know.. it's almost that time! It's almost time for the new shows to start. Oh my. I'm SUCH a tv junkie. What will I do now with out Boston Rob? Ahhh! I know that I'm alone in that crush. That's ok I guess. But it doesn't change the fact that he's hot. I think my other new crush.. well not KNEW.. but.. I think it's Eminem. He just gives off this bad boy sexiness vibe. Really. The truth is-- Neither of them matter. September 3rd I'll be at the Tim McGraw concert. I can't believe it's here already! I've had tickets since February! THAT will be the highlight of my WORLD! LOL I used to like NKOTB. I saw them in concert July 28, 1990 in Bristol CT. joey McIntyre! Ahhhh.. That's who I wanted. I was going to marry him. I still get all smiley when I see him. I'm not alone. I know other fans do too! LOL
Here are two pictures I took today of Nathan. I really like them.

Well anyhow it's 10:30 and I want to watch the rest of this show.....
Good night :)
My daughter LOVES that show. She'll sneak into our room at night and watch reruns while we're downstairs.
Cherry Moon, At
August 12, 2005 12:49 AM
Very cute pics. I used to love that show. Too bad we don't have cable and now don't get ANY channels. :(
SuburbanMom, At
August 12, 2005 12:52 AM
I saw Richard Simmons on Who's Line...nearly cried from laughing so hard...seen it online a few times too.
I'm sure Clay was great, but no one can match Simon and Garfunkel original of Bridge Over Troubled Waters. Just my opinion of course, but I'm right haha lol.
Anonymous, At
August 12, 2005 9:14 PM
Oops, that was from me lmao....
Anonymous, At
August 12, 2005 9:15 PM
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