Drop it like it's hot...
ok I confess... This song makes me feel like I have spunk. Sadly--- I Don't. Ha! I am the follow up to the movie white men can't jump.......... this sequel is called.. "White girl can't dance". I Just can't. I can't even half way pretend to bop my head at the right time, move my butt, my hips, my shoulders. Huh? How does Charlie make this look so easy. I've always always hated dancing! John used to go out dancing and he'd drag me with him. I'd be on the side drinking my drink. Ahhhh drinking.. Yes. I was good at that. Pick the cup up, sip it to look girlie or just down it and not care. Either way I was happy. But to dance? I'd get all happy to hear a song. Woooo!! This is a good song... and I'd start kinda moving.. and then someone would look at me. It might have been just a coincidence that they accidentally looked at me while trying to look passed me. Nope. Sorry. Now I've stopped. I'm not dancing. Don't mind me. I'll be over here talking. I'm a talker. I've always found it easy to engage in conversation. I have a lot of strong opinions and I love to hear other peoples opinions. I often play devils advocate. Not because I don't agree with what the other person is saying, not because I think they are wrong but I love that "other point of view'..I'm a lot like my mom when it comes to being friendly.
Speaking of being friendly... I've been trying to help get information around for the 10 year high school reunion. Isn't that funny? I'm planning my 10 year high school reunion at the same time I'm planning my sons 11th birthday party. Whoa. Something isn't right there! LOL My girlfriends are just starting to have their kids. HA! When their little kid is ready to go to kindergarten? My son will be old enough to drive them there! I love it! Anyhow, back to my thoughts. I talked to a few people yesterday and it felt soooooo good! In kindergarten the first boy I ever kissed was Jody Bennett. I actually trapped him in the BOYS bathroom and kissed him. In first grade, my first boyfriend was Jay Haug. We used to hold hands under the reading table. I also made my best friend in kindergarten. Jessy. We lived across the street from each other. Well, in our neighborhood there was Jessy, Me, Justin, Joe, Jay, Shannon and Jackie. Jackie died on TWA Flt 800. How sad! Shannon got held back a grade... and come to think of it, so did Jackie. (I know that's not how she spelled her name but I forget how she spelled it. Jacque? I think?) Anyhow... We were allllllllll best friends. We'd play games, we'd make tree clubs. I remember Jess and I owned the tree club. You had to pay money to get into the tree. So we charged the boys. Well, Justin pissed me off one day and started ripping the leaves off of the tree.. blah! That's it. He's gone! I started to charge him 10 cents for every leaf gone. That tree club lasted a day. We'd play tag, hide and seek, ride bikes, play "Drive-thru" you name it we did. Forever we lived there. In 5th grade.... Jody Bennett moved in. He started a fight with Justin on his first day. Ha! I wouldn't have it. I was sooo tomboyish. I threw my bike down and I was ready to have a smackdown (white girls saying smackdown doesn't work. Oh wait I think it's throw down? anyhow) I was ready to fight! I whooped that boys ass!!! And ever since? We've been best friends. I know I've totally strayed from the point.
I talked to Jody and Jay this week about the reunion. I'm still close with Jody and he'll always be my brother. We even took him to the beach with us (we took Justin too) We were just always together. It was sooo good talking to them! I miss that. I've never gotten along with girls. Not because I can't. I just don't seem to click with them. I'm not into worrying about buying a "Coach" bag or a LV bag. I don't give a rats ass what type of crystal any of yall have. We use plastic. It's safest! I just love runnin' with da boys! I don't know what this reunion will be like but I am excited to see people I haven't seen in ages. Of course, Ill be the fat one with all of the kids, but that's ok LOL HAHAHHAHA As I typed that? I just paid attention to the fact that I was shoving a girl scout cookie in my mouth. What the fuck. At this point? Who cares LOL
I'm outta here. I have to close this site or I'll eat this whole box of cookies. They are the original type. Shortbread. mmmmmmmmmmm these are my FAVORITE type of cookie!
Speaking of being friendly... I've been trying to help get information around for the 10 year high school reunion. Isn't that funny? I'm planning my 10 year high school reunion at the same time I'm planning my sons 11th birthday party. Whoa. Something isn't right there! LOL My girlfriends are just starting to have their kids. HA! When their little kid is ready to go to kindergarten? My son will be old enough to drive them there! I love it! Anyhow, back to my thoughts. I talked to a few people yesterday and it felt soooooo good! In kindergarten the first boy I ever kissed was Jody Bennett. I actually trapped him in the BOYS bathroom and kissed him. In first grade, my first boyfriend was Jay Haug. We used to hold hands under the reading table. I also made my best friend in kindergarten. Jessy. We lived across the street from each other. Well, in our neighborhood there was Jessy, Me, Justin, Joe, Jay, Shannon and Jackie. Jackie died on TWA Flt 800. How sad! Shannon got held back a grade... and come to think of it, so did Jackie. (I know that's not how she spelled her name but I forget how she spelled it. Jacque? I think?) Anyhow... We were allllllllll best friends. We'd play games, we'd make tree clubs. I remember Jess and I owned the tree club. You had to pay money to get into the tree. So we charged the boys. Well, Justin pissed me off one day and started ripping the leaves off of the tree.. blah! That's it. He's gone! I started to charge him 10 cents for every leaf gone. That tree club lasted a day. We'd play tag, hide and seek, ride bikes, play "Drive-thru" you name it we did. Forever we lived there. In 5th grade.... Jody Bennett moved in. He started a fight with Justin on his first day. Ha! I wouldn't have it. I was sooo tomboyish. I threw my bike down and I was ready to have a smackdown (white girls saying smackdown doesn't work. Oh wait I think it's throw down? anyhow) I was ready to fight! I whooped that boys ass!!! And ever since? We've been best friends. I know I've totally strayed from the point.
I talked to Jody and Jay this week about the reunion. I'm still close with Jody and he'll always be my brother. We even took him to the beach with us (we took Justin too) We were just always together. It was sooo good talking to them! I miss that. I've never gotten along with girls. Not because I can't. I just don't seem to click with them. I'm not into worrying about buying a "Coach" bag or a LV bag. I don't give a rats ass what type of crystal any of yall have. We use plastic. It's safest! I just love runnin' with da boys! I don't know what this reunion will be like but I am excited to see people I haven't seen in ages. Of course, Ill be the fat one with all of the kids, but that's ok LOL HAHAHHAHA As I typed that? I just paid attention to the fact that I was shoving a girl scout cookie in my mouth. What the fuck. At this point? Who cares LOL
I'm outta here. I have to close this site or I'll eat this whole box of cookies. They are the original type. Shortbread. mmmmmmmmmmm these are my FAVORITE type of cookie!
just for you...
Cherry Moon, At
March 01, 2005 6:52 PM
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